I decided to create a platform where women can share their stories to encourage one another. Far too often we have dreams, but we feel we can’t achieve them because of disappointment and self-doubt. We all go through it, but it is our persistence and what we choose to do to overcome that brings a change. I believe the beauty of connecting with each other and sharing our experiences is what connect us. The encouraging words that you are about to read are from women who are on a journey of accomplishing their dreams despite the obstacles they face. I hope that by reading the stories of these amazing women, that you will be inspired to continue to pursue your own dreams.
The obstacles I have faced in my life were mostly internal. Of course, there are a lot of external events that happened, bad lucks, unfortunate situations, but, being the resilient person that I am, I fought real hard to not be stopped in the achievement of my dreams. However, by not acknowledging the events that happened to me, I got slowly tired. Tired of fighting, tired of hiding my emotions and my feelings. At one point, I had to face that I needed a break, and that’s what I did. I started practicing self love and self compassion, which were two new concepts for me. Everyday, I made an effort to nourish my heart and my soul with love, to the point where all the obstacles, while still being there, were no longer holding me back. My first book, États d’âme, which is a bilingual ( French + English ) poetry collection, tells my story through poems and journal excerpts. So, in a way, my struggles helped me shape the author that I am. I now believe that I can achieve my goals, no matter how big they are. Because I love myself enough to believe in myself. Photography by: Maude Colin
Elle Jeffries
By far, my biggest opponent has been myself. Fighting against the tide of self-doubt I’ve too often allowed to consume me was the biggest fear. When I started writing, I kept writing and investing in myself until the project became too big for the small voice I’d made so much room for. Eventually, I decided that showing up for myself meant more to me than the comfort of playing small.
I suppose, by not having concrete dreams to start with. Everything has been a pleasant surprise rather than something I have specifically been working towards. I've normally followed my instincts and tried to surround myself with kind, supportive people. Photography by: Kiran Gidda
Learning to develop a “by any means necessary” mentality, has been the one thing that keeps me going. By any means necessary means that whatever comes my way, no matter how bad it may get, I’m still going to get the job done. If you can master this way of thinking, you can truly master anything life throws at you. Photography by: Michelle Harris
Over the last few years, with the help of mentors, coaches, and getting older. I've realized that most of life's obstacles are also advantages. Everything you go through, everything that feels like weight, is usually something that you have to learn. Reframing your thinking around obstacles is the key to achieving your dreams. I like to think about my ancestors, my family, the people whose lives made it possible for me to even be here thinking about dreams. For so many of them, dreams weren't attainable but they persevered anyway. Achieving my dreams is a way of expressing gratitude to them.
Faith and passion are the biggest factors for me when it comes to overcoming obstacles. When I started Official Black Wall Street I had no idea that there would be so many road blocks to get through on my entrepreneurial journey. What kept me going was the fact that I have so much passion for my community and the work that I do to help support Black-owned businesses. I was able to push through those moments of doubt and frustration by remembering my "why." Photography by: Danté Diákos Fillyau