Son Jung Wan Takes Risks- SS17 Collection

Ready to hear about another fabulous designer that had a killer show at New York Fashion Week?  This time, I’m talking about the daring Son Jung Wan and her Spring/Summer 2017 collection. The looks were bold, and vivid. All of it was very reminiscent of the 70’s and you could really picture the glamorous and elite rocking her frocks at Studio 54.

All of her looks were incredibly exciting and while they may not appeal to everyone, I love them! I would absolutely be thrilled to walk down the road in her colorful dresses or hit the dance floor and watch people turn green with envy! If you’re like me and you go back and forth between wanting to feel pretty and feminine and wanting to be chic and sexy, you should get to know this designer.

 Some critics have said that her clothing isn’t made for most women and that they question who would actually wear it, but I think it’s fun and something different which is always a good thing in my book! Her Spring/Summer collection for 2017 featured sheer panels for your skin to peek through, metallics that shimmered in the light, and fun accents like sequins and patent leather.

All of her pieces looked like they were constructed by an engineer which I mean in the most flattering way possible! They just looked as though they were really thought out and designed to fit in a way that most clothes aren’t.

I’m excited to keep an eye on this designer and see what else she comes up with over the next few seasons. I have a feeling she just may surprise us all!

All photos provided courtesy of Son Jung Wan

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