Interview with Oscar Juarez


Allow me to introduce you to Oscar Juarez who is a talented emerging fashion designer. During New York Fashion Week's meet and greet, Oscar and I chatted about what influenced his direction towards fashion. It was an absolute pleasure to hear his story. I am thrilled to introduce to you a creative and gifted fashioner. See what he had to say!

1.  Tell me your name and what do you do? 

My name is Oscar Juarez. I am a fashion and an interior designer. I work with Fashion Designer Zang Toi. I design/paint shirts for him. When I first began, I used to design the shirts for master Zang, but now I paint them. 


2. When did your love for fashion start? 

My mom loved dressing me up when I was younger so from an early age, perhaps around the age of 5 or 6, I can say that I began to enjoy dressing up, even for school! Although, it probably wasn't until I turned 12 or 13 that I began to realize what fashion really was. It was also around that time that I decided that it was time for my mom to stop dressing me up, lol.

3. How is it like to work with world renown Fashion Designer Zang Toi and what are some of your memorable moments working for him?

It's great working with master Zang and it's fabulous. I'm very grateful. I've learned a lot. I have had so many amazing experiences that I can't decide which ones are my favorites. I'll share this thought, I really enjoyed the first time I went to his studio and watched him do a casting with fashion model Georgie Badiel. It was everything that I imagined it would be since I was 12 or 13. Total fashion moment you was fantastic! I am grateful that Zang Toi took me under his wing. I really appreciate what he does.

4. Do you design any of your own clothing? 

Most of the clothes that I wear, I design them myself. The jacket that I am wearing today, I designed it!  I'm slowly working on my favorite pieces as I'm planning to one day have a small collection. My company is named Juarez Designs NY, and it's a managed Fashion and Interior design firm. It's a place where I'm able to turn your design ideas into a reality.